Unpublished Greek Dishes of the Museum of Slavonia


Most of 27 here published greek dishes, were donated by wholeseller of the city of Osijek Mr Franjo Sedlakovic, in the period between 1877 and 1893. Nothing is known about the circumstances nor the period of invention of certain dishes. There are available data for just a few dishes regarding the spots of their investigation. Beside those indistinctness, these ceramics material is of big importance, mainly because they have been produced by virtual mas¬ters, and the dishes with ornaments have been decorated by very good or first-class painters and/or their apprentices. In spite of vast literature availability, it was not possible to determine exact period of production of certain dishes, nor the territory where the same have been produced. Therefore, data given here are not epressed as final assertions. Exceptional preservation of all of the di¬shes, especially most of their ornaments, as well as data on territory of their origin, manifest that almost definitely all these dishes have been discovered in the graves with hard walls and covers, most probably on Necropolis and/or separate crypts in Greece and its colonies in Eastern parts of Europe as well as in South Italy (nos. 10, 17, 22, 24). Greek dishes of the Museum of Slavonia originate from the period between VI and II century B. C

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