Checking of the Fleischmann\u27s formula for dry matter estimating in milk


Uspoređivane su količine suhe tvari mlijeka određene metodom sušenja pri 102 °C i izračunavanjem, Flajšmanovom (Fleischmann) formulom analizom 94 uzorka. Statističkom obradom, dobivenih vrijednosti primjenom T-testa ustanovljena je veoma značajna razlika (p<0,001) između rezultata obje metode. Količine izračunate po Flajšmanovoj formuli imaju uvijek veću vrijednost (t = -8,15) pa se ne mogu koristiti za procjenu kvaliteta mlijeka.Some quantities of dry substance of milk, determined hy the method of drying at 102 °C and by estimating according to Fleischmann\u27s formula of analyzing 94 samples, have been compared. By the statistical checking of obtained values using T-test, a very highly significant difference (p < 0,001) between the results of both methods has been found out. The quantities estimated according to FIeischmann\u27s formula always have a big value (t = -8,15), so they can not be used for estimating of milk quality

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