
Suvremeni pristupi definiranja i razvoja pojedinih struka usmjereni su na određivanje generalnih i specifičnih kompetencija koje su potrebne za uspješno obavljanje poslova. Isto je i sa suvremenim studijskim programima koji u sklopu svakog kolegija te završetka pojedine obrazovne cjeline moraju definirati obrazovne ishode, odnosno kompetencije studenata po njegovom završetku. Predmet ovog teksta je definirati kompetencije u kontekstu psihosocijalnog rada, kao zajedničkom elementu profesionalnog djelovanja psihologa, socijalnih radnika i socijalnih pedagoga, te prikazati razvoj i metrijske karakteristike Skale percipirane kompetentnosti za psihosocijalni rad primijenjene su na studentima navedenih struka.U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 585 studenata završnih godina psihologije, socijalnog rada i socijalne pedagogije, od čega 302 studenta koji su studirali prema tzv. starom modelu studijskog programa i 283 studenta preddiplomskog studija prema tzv. bolonjskom modelu. Postupak validacije Skale percipirane kompetentnosti za psihosocijalni rad pokazuje stabilnu, ali različitu faktorsku strukturu s obzirom na model studijskog programa, te dobre metrijske karakteristike. Obrasci povezanosti s drugim varijablama govore u prilog konstruktne valjanosti skale. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na raspravu o realnim razlikama u strukturi kompetentnosti studenata s obzirom na način studiranja.The modern approaches to defining and developing of individual professions are focused on determining general and specific competencies needed for successful performance of work-related tasks. The same applies to current study programmes which need to define learning outcomes, i.e. students\u27 competencies within each of the offered courses and each educational cycle. The paper aims to define competencies in the context of psychosocial work, as a common element of professional activities of psychologists, social workers and social pedagogues as well to present the development and metric characteristics of the Perceived Competence for Psychosocial Work Scale applied to students in the mentioned fields. The participants of the research were 585 final-year psychology, social work and social pedagogy students, out of which 302 students studied within the so called old model of the study programme while 283 students of the undergraduate programme were studying in the framework of the so called Bologna model. The validation procedure of the Perceived Competence for Psychosocial Work Scale showed stable but different factorial structure depending on the study programme model as well as good metric characteristics. The connectivity patterns with other variables suggest a construct validity of the Scale. The research results support a discussion on real differences in the structure of students\u27 competencies depending on the study programme model

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