An accurate model of the high-temperature superconducting cable by using stochastic methods


Modeling of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) cables as key elements of future power grids is a remarkable step at the beginning of projects on superconducting cables. Many projects utilize finite element methods (FEMs) to better understand the cable loss mechanism and its value. These methods are unable to evaluate the behavior of cables while connecting to a real grid. Therefore, equivalent circuit models (ECMs) are introduced as variants to provide a suitable environment for testing capabilities of high-temperature superconducting cables under different contingencies of power grids. This advantage has raised interest in the utilization of ECMs to predict the behavior of HTS cables. The accuracy of modeling by ECMs depends on many factors and considerations, among which twisting effect is a vital factor that is able to highly impress the accuracy of simulations. Thus, the Weibull distribution function (WDF) is utilized in this paper as a stochastic solution to increase the accuracy of the model. By applying WDF and sectionizing tapes, the twisting effect on the critical current of cable is accessible. Investigations on different conditions have shown that an ECM with 100,000 sections has high accuracy and acceptable speed

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