Engineering rock mechanics, testing, dilatometer, rock mass, deformability, dilatometer model


Prikazana su iskustva u primjeni različitih tipova dilatometara pri ispitivanju stijena. Uz teorijske osnove daju se i preporuke za upotrebu odgovarajućeg tipa dilatometra ovisno o deformabilnosti stijenske mase. Ističe se važnost interpretacije izmjerenih veličina i pravilne primjene rezultata. Ocjenjuju se rezultati mjerenja različitim tipovima dilatometara na više lokacija. Uspostavljena je korelacija dilatometarskog modula i modula iz velikih in situ ispitivanja vapnenca.Experience gained in the use of various dilatometer types in rock testing is presented. In addition to theoretical background information, the authors present recommendations for the use of individual dilatometer types depending on rock mass deformability. The significance of interpretation of measurement results and proper use of resulting information is emphasized. Measurement results obtained by different dilatometer types on a number of locations are analyzed. The correlation between the dilatometer module and the modules originating from big in situ limestone tests is established

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