Preparation of Oxide Solid Solutions by Thermal Decomposition of Tutton\u27s Salts, (NH4)2M(SO4)2∙6H2O (M=Mn, Zn, Fe)


A recent study of the themnal decomposition of Tutton\u27s salts, (NH4hM(S0412\u27 6H20, in which M represents a mixture of two to six transition elements, showed that when the salts are decomposed in an argon atmosphere the final products of decomposition are solid solutions of metal (2+) oxides but when decomposed in air the resulting solid solutions are metal (2 +) and (3 +) oxides.! Thermal decomposition of Tutton\u27s salts containing a definite ratio of metals in the structure may, therefore, be a route for the synthesis of a homogeneous, uncontaminated reactive powder useful for the preparation of homogeneous magnetic ceramics

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