The image of nation in the national anthems of Central European countries


Proučavajući himne u zemljama post-komunističke Europe, autor pokazuje kako je zanimljivo pratiti nove valove nacionalnog osjećaja i identifikacije na tom prostoru. Kroz prizmu nacionalnih himni tih zemalja, koje datiraju još iz 19. stoljeća, pokušava izložiti nacionalno samoviđenje i stereotipe prema drugim nacijama. U sklopu takva razmatranja uočava neke sličnosti, tj. opća mjesta, ideja nacionalnog jedinstva, što se vrlo lijepo može iščitati u himnama nacija u ovoj regiji.Former communist block countries are mostly located in the area known as Central Europe. It is interesting to follow new waves of national feelings and self-identification in that area. It is obvious that the process of national integration in former communist countries was very much different from the identical process in Western Europe. Researching the national anthems of the former communist countries, composed already during the 19th century it is possible to discover self-identification of each nation and its stereotypes toward other nations. It is obvious that some elements in all anthems are identical – for example the idea of national unity. It is also important to note that all anthems contain the opposition between the national and ethnic values as well as the difference between the national and state values

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