Molekularna karakterizacija starog stabla masline Olea europea na Brijunima analizom SSR markera


Investigations were carried out on molecular characterization of a 1600 years old olive tree located on the Brijuni islands (Croatia) by SSR markers analysis. Measurements of fruits and leaves features were carried out on the old tree Brijunka and on the standard Istrian cultivar Buga (Buža). Measurement data on fruits and leaves were calculated statistically.Istraživanja obuhvaćaju molekularnu karakterizaciju 1600 godina starog stabla masline Olea europea na Brijunima analizom SSR markera. Provedene su izmjere svojstava ploda i lišća starog stabla masline Brijunke i standardne istarske sorte Buga (Buža). Rezultati istraživanja obrađeni su varijacijsko-statistički

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