Metastaze karcinoma želuca u dojci – prikaz slučaja


Gastric cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer death. In 2005, there were 1059 newly diagnosed cases of gastric cancer in Croatia. Stomach cancer spreads very early and usually to regional lymph nodes and surrounding tissues such as the liver, lungs, or ovaries, and less often to the bones and central nervous system, whereas the breast is very rarely the site of its metastases. Among the available data, we have found only 9 publications describing cases of gastric metastases developed in the breast, we decided to publish this case report presenting a patient who underwent total gastrectomy for gastric cancer in May 2000, and then surgery for metastases of gastric cancer to the breast in January 2005.Karcinom želuca je jedan od vodećih uzroka smrti od karcinoma. U Hrvatskoj je u 2005 godini otkriveno 1059 novih slučajeva karcinoma želuca. Karcinom želuca obično metastazira vrlo rano i to u okolne limfne čvorove, jetru, pluća, jajnike, te rje|e u kosti i središnji živčani sustav, dok je dojka vrlo rijetko sijelo metastaza. U dostupnoj literaturi pronašli smo samo 9 radova koji opisuju širenje karcinoma želuca u dojku, te smo odlučili prikazati slučaj naše pacijentice koja je u svibnju 2000. godine operirana radi karcinoma želuca, a u siječnju 2005. operirana radi metastaze u dojci

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