The Effect of Ganoderma Lucidum Polysaccharide Peptide (Glucan) on Caspase 8, Caspase 9, and Apoptosis, Leidiq of 18 Months male Rattus norvegicus Testis.


Introduction:Ganoderma Lucidum was reported contained several such aspolysaccharides, triterpenes, sterols, proteins, peptides, vitamin sand minerals. Vitamins were contained among B1,B2 mineral contentin cluded potassium, fofor, calcium, magnesium, makro elemen which total edmorethan 200 active elements. Latesyndromeof physical abilities decline, sexual or psychological abilities associated with detestosteronein the blood. By middle ageof 45-59 years of agethe started, including the decline of reproduction function andhormones knownas theaging process. With increasing lifeexpectancythen, the result will be increasing problems of theel derly. Objective:This study aimedto analyze the effect ofGlucan Polysaccharide Peptide(PSP) in decoctionway, in 21 days comparedextract of Glucidum Glucan Polysaccharide Peptide(PSP), and control. leidig cell of 18months malerattusnorvegicustestes happenedcaspase8(extrinsic) orthrough thepathwayof caspase9(intrinsic).Methods:Todeterminehowwas apoptotic ofleidig cell of 18happened, it used CCTV incagedinside the cage made of acrylic for 21 days. Mn SOD andapoptoticwas examined using immuno histochemistry. Results:At the studies ofcaspase9,there was a meaningfuldifference mean of7,78 2,438aonthe waterextractwithmeanof 4,89 2,56 1,333c. withp=0.000, (<0.001) There wasa decrease insignificantlyinthe ethanol extractis3,56 2,455c, thewaterextract is control is 14,00 2,598a. It turned out thatall the groupsA, B, Crat testes Leidiqcellsthat differentsignificantly withp=0.000, testicularLeidiqcellsimmunohistochemically,there was a decrease ofethanolextractwitha meanis 2,78 1,202c, compared towater extractb, andcontrolthe mean apoptoticis 9,78 1,716ain averageeachhaddifferent rat testis Leidiq cell apoptotic average significantly with0.0001).This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.a favorite medicine inoriental was called "Lingzhi" knownas aMedical Science Doctoral Program of Biomedical Interest Postgraduate Brawijaya, Malangtraditionalmedicine, whichwas traditionalmedicineforthe treatment ofashepatitis, hypertension, asthma, cancerand others(Habijani 2007). Astudydemonstratedthatconsumption ofGlucidumwas was associatedwith a trendPJK Available online at http://www.journalcra.comInternational Journal of Current ResearchVol. 7, Issue, 09, pp.20130-20135, September, 2015INTERNATIONAL Widodo, BasukiPurnomo and WIBI Riawan 2015. “The effectCaspase8, Caspase9, andApoptosis, LEIDIQcell of 18months male Rattus7, (9), 20130-20135.z(GLUCAN) ONCASPASE8, MONTHS MALE RATTUSNORVEGICUSTESTISPurnomo and 2WIBI RiawanMedical Science Doctoral Program of Biomedical Interest Postgraduate Program of Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Brawijaya, Malangseveralactive components biologically, , aminoacids, adenosine, oleicacid, B2, C, niacin, andbiotin. While the, copper, germaniumandsomeotherOnsetHypogonadism (LOH) was asexual or psychological abilities associated with decreasedthe declineof bodily functions was hormonessuch astestosterone, whichwas thenso did the numberof elderlyin theGlucanextractGanoderma lucidumcomparedwithGlucan of ethanol PSP), and control. Onhowwas apoptotic oftestes happened, whetherthroughthe pathway of intrinsic).18months maleRnorvegicustestes inside the cage made of acrylic for 21 days. caspase8, caspase9, was examined using immuno histochemistry. difference tothe meaninthe control with 2,472b, andtheethanol extractwitha decrease inthe meanvalue ofcaspase8extract is 7,56 1,424b, meanwhile ineachhadan average ofcaspase8of , (<0.0001). Inapoptosistestonthere was a decrease ofapoptotic inthe given of er extract/decoctionwith mean5,22 average. It turned out thatall the groupsA, significantly withp=0.000, ( ˂0.0001

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