Retailers’ perception on factors influencing purchase of organic food products: a factor analysis


Organic Food Product marketing is one of the emerging areas of business in the wake of sustainable development. To develop efficient marketing strategy for Organic Food Products, a retailer should know the consumers’ buying behavior. Accordingly, in the present study an attempt has been made to understand the retailers’ perception of consumer behavior by using primary data and factor analysis. It has been found from the present study that factors like chemically free, naturally grown, safety, healthy, tasty, hygiene and freshness have jointly determined the demand for organic food product with mean score above 4.5 (component 1). Factors such as free from GMO (Genetically Modified Organism), eco-friendly, ideal for children and ideal for elders represent mean score of less than 4.5 (component 2). Supporting the farmers is identified just below 4.5 (component 3). At the same time, craze to consume is not important in determining the demand for organic food products according to retailers. Therefore, the retailers have to develop the strategy based on the results obtained by the present study. The efficient marketing strategy should focus on chemical free, naturally grown, safety, healthy, tasty, hygiene and freshness factors in advertising and promotion of organic food products

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