Authenticity or homogeneity? Contextualising the urban revitalisation of a post-industrial landscape through the Red Brick Landscape Preservation Project in Seoul


This study analyses the case of the Red Brick Landscape Preservation Project at Seoul Forest Park Alleys, an urban revitalisation project implemented between 2018 and 2021, based on the idea of authenticity and post-industrial landscape. The following issues on site were determined based on site analysis and data mapping. First, there is a discrepancy in preservation, use, and implementation. Second is the selective nature of the Red Brick Landscape Preservation Project, as it is adapted to the city branding strategy, which may not always prioritise the actual site-specific contexts. Third, the attempt to represent the authenticity of the Red Brick Landscape Preservation Project in the Seoul Forest Park Alleys with a red brick landscape seems unfounded. Instead, red bricks were adapted to represent an image of authenticity seen elsewhere. Finally, this projection of authenticity from elsewhere onto the site is difficult to avoid for post-industrial landscapes because of the nature of industrial cities. Considering that the post-industrial landscape remains in high demand worldwide, the criticisms in this article may extend beyond the case in point. This study concludes with recommendations for future studies of the site.N

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