Screening for Chronic Kidney Disease in Relatives of Hemodialysis Patients


Objective: To estimate the prevalence and socioeconomic characteristics of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in first and second-degree relatives of patients on hemodialysis Method: A questionnaire was applied on socioeconomic conditions, lifestyle, and personal pathological background. The formula of CKD-EPI and/or proteinuria greater than or equal to 1+ was used to characterize CKD. Analysis using the logistic regression model. Results: 408 individuals were evaluated and 12% had CKD. 6.61% had a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) ≤ 60 mL / min / 1.73 m2 and 5.39% proteinuria in the urine. The variables associated with the presence of CKD were age (OR = 1,60; 95% IC = 1,31-1,96), PAS (OR: 1,69; 95% IC: 1,24-2,28), PAD (OR: 1,52; 95% IC: 1,18- 1,96) and blood glucose (OR: 2,03; 95% IC: 1,38-2,99). Conclusion: It is necessary to implement routines for systematic evaluation that prevent or delay the loss of renal function, in addition to measures that improve the pre-dialysis clinical conditions of this population. Keywords: Chronic kidney disease, Family, Glomerular filtration rate. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-10-06 Publication date:May 31st 202

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