Modelling Effects of Process Variables During Fermentation of Pineapple Peels Using Yeast for Ethanol Production Using a Second Order Optimal Rotatable Design in Four Dimensions.


The need for a cleaner environment in urban areas and the high cost of petroleum products which are becoming scarce due to unbalanced relation between supply and demand besides air pollution of sources has led to the research for other fuels to replace fossil fuels. Ethanol from biomass waste is such an alternative to petroleum products. Most studies on optimization of process variables using Response Surface Methodology apply Central Composite Designs yet other designs exist. Optimal designs have fewer trials employed with the aim of obtaining efficient designs for fitting reduced quadratic or higher order models. Coded values of a second order optimal rotatable design in four dimensions constructed using balanced incomplete block designs (BIBD) was fit into experimental data in order to study the effects of four process variables namely; time, PH, temperature and substrate concentration on fermentation of pineapples peels using Saccharomyces cerevisiae for ethanol production. Normal probability plots and Multiple R-squared of 0.9323 and Adjusted R-squared of 0.8944 which measure model fitting reliability indicated aptness of the model. Most values of Probability F were less than 0.05, confirming that the model terms were significant and only 6.8% of the total variation could not be explained by the model ensuring good adjustment of the model to experimental data. Model adequacy was also confirmed by the good agreement between the experimental data and predicted values. The design was found reliable in modeling, and studying the effects of the four factors to the processes of fermentation of pineapples peels as substrate for ethanol production using Saccharomyces cerevisiae Keywords: Ethanol, Pineapple Peels, Response Surface Methodology and Rotatable Designs

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