Assessing Flora Bio-Diversity in Water Shed Environment and A Forest Environment: A Comparative Analysis of Ikot Uso Akpan Wildlife Sanctuary in Itu L.G.A. And Ayan Nsit Sacred Forest in Nsit Ibom L.G.A. Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


Aim Flora diversity in a watershed environment is dynamic and flora diversity in a forested environment is also dynamic. This study considers the dynamic nature of flora composition in both environments accounting for its diversity and similarity. Location The study areas were two sampled sites from a common ecological zone; Ikot Uso Akpan wildlife sanctuary and Ayan Nsit Sacred Forest all in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Taxons The paper considered mostly species of the Aracaceadeas and other floral population within the sampled points Methods Both sites were sampled using systematic sampling methods using quadrats laid at 10m x10m on transects with 100 meters dimension. Results The study showed a high diversity index of 0.93 for the forested site and 0.92 for the water shed site. The reciprocal indexes were 1.07 and 1.09 respectively. Also the study determined the level of species overlap in both sites both this gave a negative value of 0.14 indicating no overlap. However, species of the Aracaceae family proved to be the richest with 51.82% and 29.69% of the total population. Main Conclusion The study revealed that species ecological importance value as exhibited by different population structure between the two points studied show a clear variation in the population structure of plants though they have same ecological characteristics. Keywords: Diversity, Dynamics, Forest, Variation, Watershed, Wildlif

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