Financial Performance of the Local Government Institution (Case Study of DKI Jakarta Province)


This study aims to prove the effect of the implications of Budgeting Participation, Clarity of Budget Objectives, Public Accountability on the Financial Performance of Local Government (Empirical Study in DKI Jakarta Province) The object of this research is 15 OPD (Regional Organization) with 62 questionnaires in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. The results of this study indicate that budgetary participation does not affect the performance of local government. This means that the increase or decrease in budget participation will not have a significant impact on the performance of local government. Clarity of Budget Objectives and Public Accountability affect the Financial Performance of the Local Government. This means that all budget goals that have been made will have an impact on increasing or decreasing performance. The clearer the clarity of the budget goals in the preparation of the budget, the higher the performance of local government and conversely. Seen from public accountability in the local government making information received by the public more balanced, which means that information asymmetry that occurs can be reduced. Keywords: Financial Performance of Local Government, Budget Participation, Clarity of Budget Objectives, and Public Accountability DOI: 10.7176/DCS/9-2-0

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