Food Production and Post Harvest Losses of Food Grains in India


The prevention of food wasted is enough o resolves hunger crises hunger crises. Food is the primary need to sustains the of human being life. Although, many techniques are engages to increase to food production and prevents of hunger and malnutrition of population. Presently, we produce sufficient agriculture food production, by using irrigation, pesticides, chemical fertilizer and high yielding variety. But these, are not seem to meet the enough food demands of present and future population. To encounter the hunger and secure food and nutritional security to need increasing the production and productivity, by using limited resources in sustainable manner and ensure the security of natural resources. The increasing productivity is the obvious choice to supply of food to increasing population. The other alternate way to provided food of available and increased population, the maximum efficiency use of every unit of resources including preventing pre and post harvest losses from insect-pests and diseases, proper and scientific storage of agriculture produces. Because post harvest losses about 30 % of the crops due to this reason.  One third of total foods production annual wasted due to lack of proper infrastructure unscientific handling. The total food lost, wasted in each year in the more than which would be solving the four times hunger crises of population. In the present review article focused on production and losses of agricultural produces

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