Moys Classification and Thesaurus for Legal Materials: Rules and Guide in the Organization of Law Materials


A law library, like every other library exists to meet the requirements of acquisition, storing, processing and disseminating of legal materials to carter for the needs of Lawyers and the legal public. Typically a law student / lawyer is bookish – no profession depends on books more than lawyers. He is from the beginning taught the art of legal research which means finding the law especially for justice administration and legal research. The symbiotic relationship between a lawyer and his books makes it indispensable that law materials be organized in a logical and practical manner.   It is not uncommon to see a lawyer with his wig and gown, dash into the library to check on the correct citation of a case on his way to court. Collection development and organization of these legal materials therefore become an urgent necessity. Keywords: Moys, Classification, Legal Materials, Rules, Guide, Organisatio

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