Investigation Character of Natural Forest Ecosystem, Use High Resolution and LiDAR Data


Ecosystem character the subject very important to investigate, the product of characterizing ecology is map of ecology area, type, vegetation structure. Where vegetation zone it will influence the habitat of biota. To extract the information have used multi data of multi sensor to rising up quality and information. The method used in this research is imagery transformation, OBIA classification, compilation data. The imagery classification to detecting ecology is OBIA technic have used to mapping land cover type, LIDAR analyst and. Compilation data have rising up the quality information of ecology zone. In the research we have find the ecology zone have many difference character, the character it has showing by the vegetation high, fraction vegetation. All of the point has showing the habitat, and the possible to measure the home base to migration and area to protecting the biota. The compilation data include geo- physic data has support the quality and result. In the end the geo- physic data divide the forest ecosystem zone to more detail and set vegetation in class and sub class such as natural forest ecosystem zone. Keywords: Ecology, Habitat, Remote Sensing

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