Effect of Ascorbic Acid on the Wilting and Resistance of Capsicum Annum L. Plant


The change from reversible to permanent wilting in whole red pepper(Capsicum annum) followed by a very harsh salt stress of root exposure to 200 mM  solution of NaCl.It was noticed that a seed or seedling present in saline soil was wilted very quickly, but if replaced to non-saline soil within 6 hours then seed start recovery however if the duration is increase and it reaches to 9 hour, then the salt stress make it plastic i-e remained wilt and died but the addition of antioxidant (0.5mM ascorbic acid) to the root medium and during at the time when the plant is in salt stress condition, it recover the stress almost 50% of wilted seedling others solution which containing organic solution they does not effective like anti-oxidants (vitamin C), The salt severely damage the root, stem and leaves by accumulation in them. Keywords: Red pepper, ascorbic acid,wilting

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