Workplace Psychosocial Factors and Mental Health among a Sample of Expatriates and the Country’s Nationals Who Working at King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia


Worplace stress is the harmful physical and emotional response that occurs when there is a poor match between job demands and the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Mental health is an important issue in the workplace, particularly in developing countries. This study was aimed to explore the workplace psychosocial factors and mental health among expatriates and the country’s nationals; examine the relationship between workplace psychosocial factors and mental health. . The sample was composed of 518 country's nationals and 554 expatriates teaching staff on job at King Khalid University. Two tools were used for data collection: Socio-demographic data sheet, and Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). The study results indicated that Poor mental health had a strongly statistically significant positive correlation with “quantitative  demands”,” Work-family conflict”, and “Emotional demands “ in total country’s nationals and expatriates   (p<0.01). While it was a strongly statistically significant negative  correlation with “Work pace”, “Influence at work”, “Social support from colleague”, “Social support from supervisors”, “Meaning of work”, “Commitment to the workplace” “Predictability”, and  “Recognition” (p<0.01). It was concluded that country's nationals experience worse mental health than expatriates and  this  to some extent caused by exposure to psychosocial factors at work. It has indicated the importance of taking action to reduce psychosocial factors, as this would benefit both country’s nationals and expatriate workers. Key words: Expatriates , country's nationals , workplace psychosocial factors, mental health

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