Identifying Characteristics of a “Good School” in the British and Saudi Arabian Education Systems


This study aims at establishing whether primary schools in the Saudi education system conform to the characteristics of what are referred to as ‘good schools’ in the British education system. The findings established through this study show that only 43.75% of primary schools in Saudi conform to the characteristics of what are referred to as ‘good schools’ in Britain.  Moreover, it is established that there are more similarities than differences in the roles played by headteachers in these two education systems when it comes to fostering effective schools and developing schools as learning organisations. Nevertheless, it is established that there are more headteachers in British primary schools than in Saudi primary schools who take up roles geared towards fostering effective schools and developing schools as learning organisations. This disparity has been attributed to the fact that in the Saudi education system the role of headteachers is highly regulated and constrained due to the bureaucratic and centralised nature of the country’s education system whereas in the British education system headteachers have more autonomy and control over school management. Generally, this study provides invaluable insights that can be used to improve the professional practice of educators. It illuminates different characteristics and roles that can contribute to the realisation of effective schools and schools as learning organisations. It also provides an explicit outlook towards school leadership in the global context. As the world is increasingly becoming globalised, it is crucial for educators to acquaint themselves with how different systems of education function

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