Managing Workplace Conflicts in Business Environment: The Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Ethiopian in Focus


A critical review of a journal article is an evaluation of an article's strengths, weaknesses and validity. It is used to inform readers of an article's value through explanation, interpretation and analysis. Ethiopia has for centuries been using traditional methods of dispute resolution. The institutions of Gadaa among the Oromo, the Shimagelle by the Amhara, and the other ethnic groups reviewer re used. But Alternative Dispute Resolution has not attained any significant position of usage and acceptance in its modern form. Recent incorporation of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms in the legal polity has been greeted with a lukewarm attitude by the government, judiciary and the civil society (Shipi M, 2001). This article critically analyses alternative dispute resolution alternative dispute resolution in Ethiopia. it includes coverage of: various alternative dispute resolution techniques and the roles played by alternative dispute resolution practitioners in workplace conflict; the need for workplace grievance policies and the forms these can take; the suitability of alternative dispute resolution for various types of disputes; three case studies where alternative dispute resolution was utilized in workplace conflict and the experiences of both the human resource consultant and their clients (Barrister E, 2014). In this regard, the aim of the article is to examine all the possible and applicable alternative dispute resolution mechanism and literature synthesis in general. Keywords: alternative Dispute resolution, organizational, work place conflict, concept DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-1-0

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