Strategic Orientation, Access to Finance, Business Environment and SMEs Performance in Nigeria: Data Screening and Preliminary Analysis


The aim of this paper is to explore the collected data concerning on the influence of strategic orientation, access to finance, business environment and SMEs performance in Nigerian. Samples of five hundred and twenty-two were selected from the total population of 3,671 SMEs operating in northwestern. Therefore, this study employed stratified sampling technique to divide the three states into three strata. Additionally, data screening and cleaning were performed with the intention to satisfy the assumptions of multivariate analysis. Thus, the study conducted missing data analysis, outliers, normality and multicollinearity assessments. Likewise, the entire analysis was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) v18. Conclusively, the data found to fulfill the requirements for multivariate analysis. Keywords: SMEs Performance, Nigeria, Access to Finance, Data Screening, Strategic Orientatio

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