A Study on Job Satisfaction: Focus on Bankers of Bangladesh


Job Satisfaction is a universal issue. Human Resource approach of motivation firmly advocates the notion of job satisfaction with a view to ensuring higher productivity of the employees. Banking industry, as driving force of the economy, is playing crucial role to promote and facilitate growth of country. We here eagerly interest in finding out relative importance of variables what influence the level of satisfaction of the bankers. Job satisfaction is the self-contentment that employees enjoy from the organization through the trade-off between contribution and inducement. The study found that 76.5% of the bankers are satisfied over their jobs and only 9.5% are dissatisfied. The variables responsible for job satisfaction of bankers are Job Status & Security, Management Policy, Pay, Working Condition, Decision making process & Communication Pattern, Supervisor Behavior, Job Nature, Recognition & Promotion. It is evident from the study that Pay,  Recognition & Promotion and Working Condition are strongly co-related to over all job satisfaction scoring 0.596, .572 & .562 respectively. Regression model is able to express 59.4% of total variation.  Pay and Working condition are the most influencing variables in framing job satisfaction of bankers since coefficient beta scores .298 & .278 respectively. The other two influencing variables are Job security & Status and Promotion & Recognition as coefficient beta scores .216 & .208. Key words: Employee Performance. Human Resource Management, Job Satisfaction, Strategic Asset

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