Gender differences in sportswear buying decision-making process


U ovom radu istražena je sve popularnija tema u marketingu - razlika među spolovima. Potrošačko ponašanje žena i muškaraca analizirano je prema procesu donošenja odluke o kupnji, gdje se kreće od definiranja samog koncepta i objašnjenja čimbenika koji utječu na donošenje odluke o kupnji. Slijedi poglavlje koje objašnjava spol kao odrednicu kupovnog ponašanja, navode se specifičnosti žena i muškaraca kao potrošača te se objašnjavaju novi trendovi u suvremenom društvu koji utječu na razlike među spolovima. Nakon teoretskog dijela prikazani su rezultati provedenog istraživanja čiji je cilj bio ispitati razlike u kupovnom ponašanju žena i muškaraca, s naglaskom na kupnju sportske obuće te su izvedeni konačni zaključci sa prijedlozima za buduća istraživanja, kojih je nažalost i u svijetu još uvijek vrlo malo, što može biti dodatni poticaj za razvoj ovog dijela marketinga i u Hrvatskoj.This thesis analyzes an increasingly popular marketing concept of gender differences in consumer purchasing behavior. The consumer behaviour of women and men is analyzed through the buying decision making process, where it starts from defining the concept and explaining the factors that affect the decision making. The chapter that follows explains gender as a buying behavior factor, it brings up the specifics of women and men as consumers and explains the new trends in modern society that affect the differences between male consumers and their female counterparts. After the theoretical part, empirical research results were presented. The purpose of the research was to identify the differences in men's and women's buying behavior, with emphasis on sportswear buying. Finally, thesis provides some conclusions and suggestions for future research, which is unfortunately still very limited in the whole world, what can only be an additional incentive for the development of this marketing area in Croatia

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