Razvoj proizvoda od koncepta do realizacije


Tema završnog rada "Razvoj proizvoda od koncepta do realizacije "počinje definiranjem što je proizvod te koje su razine proizvoda i klasifikacije. U radu će se govoriti o razlikama između proizvoda i usluga, što se podrazumijeva pod pojmom novi proizvod. Bavit ćemo se i pojmom inovacija kao i izum. Razlog zbog kojeg sam odabrala ovu teme je bila ljubav prema kozmetici te sam prema tome na poslovnom slučaju brenda La PIEL objasnila teorijski dio procesa razvoja novog proizvoda. Brend La PIEL se bavi proizvodnjom prirodne kozmetike te se cijela proizvodanja temelji isključivo na prirodnim sastojcima.Final work theme "Product development from concept to realization "begins by defining what the product is and what are the levels of product and classification. The paper will talk about the differences between products and services, which is understood by the term new product. It will also deal with the concept of inovation as well as invention. The reason why I chose this topic was my love of cosmetics, and therefore on the business case of la piel brand I explained the theoretical part of the process of developing a new product. The Brand La PIEL is engaged in the production of natural cosmetics and the entire product is based solely on natural ingredients

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