Twist Angle Tuning of Moir\ue9 Exciton Polaritons in van der Waals Heterostructures


Twisted atomically thin semiconductors are characterized by moir\ue9 excitons. Their optical signatures and selection rules are well understood. However, their hybridization with photons in the strong coupling regime for heterostructures integrated in an optical cavity has not been the focus of research yet. Here, we combine an excitonic density matrix formalism with a Hopfield approach to provide microscopic insights into moir\ue9 exciton polaritons. In particular, we show that exciton-light coupling, polariton energy, and even the number of polariton branches can be controlled via the twist angle. We find that these new hybrid light-exciton states become delocalized relative to the constituent excitons due to the mixing with light and higher-energy excitons. The system can be interpreted as a natural quantum metamaterial with a periodicity that can be engineered via the twist angle. Our study presents a significant advance in microscopic understanding and control of moir\ue9 exciton polaritons in twisted atomically thin semiconductors

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