The role of generalist tour operators in the sustainable development of tourism


Turoperatori su poslovni subjekti koji se nalaze na turističkim tržištima, a koja sa svojom integracijom mogu doprinijeti ka povećanju ukupnog turističkog prometa jer su upravo oni ti koji sklapaju ugovor o prodavanju turističkih paket aranžmana turistu. Održivi razvoj je izuzetno bitan za turizam, ali i za čitave zajednice koje od njega žive. Upravo je on zaslužan za brigu o okolišu, društvu i gospodarstvu pa se tako učinkovito troše prirodni resursi i ne ugrožava se ravnoteža koja je uspostavljena. Posljednjih nekoliko godina ljudi su sve više svjesni kako moraju živjeti ekološki i zdravo jer upravo takav način življenja omogućava opstanak, a kada se prenese na turizam tada se sve više cijene one destinacije koje se brinu o održivom razvoju. U današnje je vrijeme održivi razvoj turizma važna stavka koja je bitna i za sami razvoj turizma te za daljnje unaprjeđenje gospodarskog razvoja. Naime kako bi sam turizam mogao biti održiv u njegov razvoj moraju biti uključeni svi sudionici, od turoperatora generalista, turističkih agencija, pa do lokalne zajednice, javne uprave i samih turista koji dolaze na destinaciju. Predmet jest poslovanje turoperatora generalista i održiv razvoj turizma, a ciljevi su teorijski i praktični. Teorijski je da se definira i objasni poslovanje turoperatora generalista te da se definira održiv razvoj turizma i njegova načela i politika, a praktični da se prikaže uloga turoperatora generalista u održivom razvoju turizma.Tour operators are business entities that are located in the tourist markets, and which with their integration can contribute to the increase of the total tourist traffic, because they are the ones who enter into the contract on the sale of tourist package arrangements to the tourist. Sustainable development is extremely important for tourism, but also for the entire communities that live from it. It is responsible for taking care of the environment, society and the economy, so that natural resources are used efficiently and the balance that has been established is not threatened. In the last few years, people are more and more aware that they have to live ecologically and healthily, because it is precisely this way of living that enables survival, and when it is transferred to tourism, those destinations that take care of sustainable development are increasingly appreciated. Nowadays, the sustainable development of tourism is an important determinant that is essential for the development of tourism itself and for the further improvement of economic development. In order for tourism itself to be sustainable, all participants must be involved in its development, from generalist tour operators, travel agencies, to the local community, public administration and the tourists themselves who come to the destination. The subject is the business of generalist tour operators and the sustainable development of tourism, and the goals are theoretical and practical. It is theoretical to define and explain the business of generalist tour operators and to define the sustainable development of tourism and its principles and policies, and practical to show the role of generalist tour operators in the sustainable development of tourism

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