Problem i recepcija suvremene glazbe


Ovaj rad raspravlja o problematici i recepciji suvremene glazbe sagledane kroz naslovnu studiju slučaja - studentice i studente klavira Muzičke akademije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Predmet interesa, a ujedno i centralni dio ovog rada, čine dva istraživanja: kvantitativne metode - anketa (Upitnik o problematici) i kvalitativne metode - eksperiment s anketom (Upitnik o receptivnosti). Cilj i svrha ovih istraživanja je proniknuti u opći interes i znanje o suvremenoj glazbi, sagledati aktualne mogućnosti obrazovne i koncertne ponude Muzičke akademije, preispitati stavove, mišljenja te utvrditi motivaciju za aktivnije bavljenje suvremenom glazbom kroz proučavanje, slušanje i izvođenje.This work discusses the issues and reception of contemporary music seen through the title case study - piano students of the Music Academy of the University of Zagreb. The subject of interest, and at the same time the central part of this work, consists of two researches: quantitative methods - survey (Questionnaire on problems) and qualitative methods - experiment with survey (Questionnaire on receptivity). The goal and purpose of these researches is to penetrate into the general interest and knowledge about contemporary music, to look at the current educational and concert possibilities of the Academy of Music, to review attitudes, opinions and to determine the motivation for more active involvement in contemporary music through study, listening and performance

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