SUNDAE1: A Liquid Helium Vertical Test-Stand for 2m Long Superconducting Undulator Coils


Superconducting Undulators (SCUs) can produce higher photon flux and cover a wider photon energy range compared to permanent magnet undulators (PMUs) with the same vacuum gap and period length. To build the know-how to implement superconducting undulators for future upgrades of the European XFEL facility, two magnetic measurement test stands named SUNDAE 1 and 2 (Superconducting UNDulAtor Experiment) are being developed. SUNDAE1 will facilitate research and development on magnet design thanks to the possibility of training new SCU coils and characterizing their magnetic field. The experimental setup will allow the characterization of magnets up to 2m in length. These magnets will be immersed in a Helium bath at 2K or 4K temperature. In this article, we describe the experimental setup and highlight its expected performances

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