Transverse and Longitudinal Profile Measurements at the KARA Booster Synchrotron


In the booster synchrotron of the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA), the beam is injected from the microtron at 53 MeV and ramped up to 500 MeV. Though the injected beam current from the microtron to the booster seems good, the injection efficiency into the booster is currently low due to various effects. Consequently, an upgrade of the whole beam diagnostics system is taking place in the booster, in order to improve the injection efficiency through understanding the loss mechanisms and the behavior of bunches. Among these diagnostics tools are beam loss monitors, a transverse profile monitor and a longitudinal profile monitor. In this paper, we will describe the setups used for bunch profile measurements in both transverse and longitudinal planes and report on first data analysis results

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