Estudo comparativo de custos entre três tipos de lajes (maciça, vigota treliçada e nervurada com cubetas plásticas) da nova reitoria da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)
The slabs, which are almost always the elements with the largest volume and
area of any building, have a great impact on the final cost of a structure. This work is
a comparative study of costs between three types of slabs (massive, latticed joist and
ribbed with plastic buckets) using the new Rectory of the Federal University of
Tocantins (UFT) as an architectural reference. The work evaluated the impacts on the
consumption of steel, form and concrete on the final costs of a five-story building when
changing the types of slabs. The projects were developed with the Eberick software
and the budget was based on the tables of SINAPI and ORSE. The projects were
launched according to the architectural design of the Rectory of UFT made available
by the UFT City Hall and pre-dimensioned based on the graphs and tables of Rebello
(2000). In order to carry out the budget, both the price of the inputs and the service
performed to carry them out were considered. Among the three types of slabs studied,
the lattice slab was the cheapest because the greatest reduction in materials and when
compared to the most expensive presented savings of 15.63%, followed by the
massive slab with a reduction of 9.88% of the total value of the most expensive and
finally the ribbed slab with plastic buckets, which obtained the highest value, presenting
the highest consumption of inputs for the slabs, pillars and Shallow foundation,
resulting in a cost of R1,758,461.73.Aslajes,quequasesempresa~ooselementoscommaiorvolumeeaˊreadequalqueredificac\ca~o,te^mumgrandeimpactonocustofinaldeumaestrutura.Essetrabalhoeˊumestudocomparativodecustosentretre^stiposdelajes(macic\ca,vigotatrelic\cadaenervuradacomcubetasplaˊsticas)usandocomorefere^nciaarquiteto^nicaanovaReitoriadaUniversidadeFederaldoTocantins(UFT).Otrabalhoavaliouosimpactosnoconsumodeac\co,formaeconcretonoscustosfinaisdeumaedificac\ca~odecincopavimentosaosetrocarostiposdelajes.OsprojetosestruturaisforamdesenvolvidoscomosoftwareEberickeaorc\camentac\ca~osebaseounastabelasdoSINAPIeORSE.Osprojetosforamlanc\cadossegundooprojetoarquitetonicodaReitoriadaUFTdisponibilizadospelaPrefeituraUniversitaˊriadaUFTepreˊdimensionadosbaseando−senosgraˊficosetabelasdeRebello(2000).Paraarealizac\ca~odaorc\camentac\ca~oforamconsideradostantooprec\codosinsumosquantooservic\conecessaˊriospararealiza−los.Dentreostre^stiposdelajesestudadas,alajeemvigotatrelic\cadafoiamaisbaratapoispermitiuamaiorreduc\ca~odemateriaisequandocomparadaaˋmaiscaraapresentouumaeconomiade15,63comumareduc\ca~ode9,88cubetasplaˊsticas,queobteveomaiorvalor,apresentandoomaiorconsumodeinsumosparaaslajes,pilaresesapatas,resultandoassimemumcustodeR1.758.461,73