Analize unutar - i među - individualnihih razlika morfoloških struktura
omogućuju otkrivanje obrazaca fenotipskog variranja, kao i ekološko -
evolucionih mehanizama koji dovode do njihove divergencije. U ovoj
disertaciji utvrđene su komponente fenotipske varijanse oblika funkcionalno
različitih cvetnih organa kod entomofilne biljne vrste Iris pumila L.,
polimorfne u odnosu na boju cveta. Eksperimenti su vršeni na biljkama
gajenim u eksperimentalnoj bašti, poreklom iz recipročnih ukrštanja 24
klonalna genotipa. Metodama geometrijske morfometrije utvrđeni su obrasci
variranja oblika tri bilateralno simetrična organa: fola, standarda i grane
tučka. Kod sva tri organa udeo simetrične komponente u ukupnom variranju
oblika bio je najveći, dok je fluktuirajuća asimetrija (FA) dominirala u
asimetričnoj komponenti. Iako se smatra da je primarni uzrok FA
nestabilnost razvića, naša istraživanja su pokazala da fenotipska plastičnost
može takođe da proizvede FA. Naime, replike cvetnih organa sa različitom
orijentacijom prema suncu imale su različite vrednosti asimetričnih
komponenti varijanse oblika, kao rezultat plastičnosti u odnosu na mikrosredinsku
heterogenost ambijentalne svetlosti.
Da veličina, oblik i boja cveta predstavljaju vizuelne signale za
privlačenje potencijalnih oprašivača potvrdila su poređenja veličine cvetnih
organa oprašenih i neoprašenih biljaka. Oprašeni cvetovi su, po pravilu,
imali veće organe od neoprašenih, sa izuzetkom grane tučka. Regresione
analize su pokazale da je veličina fola bila pod delovanjem pozitivne, a
grane tučka negativne direkcione selekcije. Suprotno tome, oblik cvetnih
organa se razlikovao u zavisnosti od boje, što ukazuje da je preferencija
oprašivača prema specifičnim kombinacijama vizuelnih signala bila važan
mehanizam morfološke divergencije reproduktivnih organa I. pumila.Analyzes of intra - and inter - individual differences of morphological
structures allow the detection of patterns of phenotypic variation, as well as
ecological evolutionary mechanisms leading to their divergence. In this
dissertation, components of the phenotypic variation of the shape of functionally
distinctive flower organs were determined in the entomophilous plant, specific
for striking flower color polymorphism, Iris pumila L. Experiments were carried
out on plants grown in experimental garden, originating from reciprocal crossing
of 24 clonal genotypes. Using the methods of geometric morphometrics
patterns of variation of the shape of three bilaterally symmetrical organs (falls,
standards and style branches) have been revealed. In all three floral organs, the
proportion of the symmetric component in the overall shape variation was the
highest, while the fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was dominated in asymmetric
component. Although it is thought that primary cause of FA is developmental
instability, our research has shown that phenotypic plasticity can also produce
FA. Namely, replicas of flower organs with different orientations towards the sun
had different values of asymmetric components of variance of the shape, as an
outcome of plasticity in relation to the microenvironmental heterogeneity of
ambient light.
In this dissertation it is confirmed that size, shape and color of flowers
are visual attractants for pollinators. Pairwase comparisons in size between
pollinated and unpollinated flowers revealed that pollinated falls and standards
are bigger related to their unpollinated pairs. Regression analyzes have shown
that the size of the falls was under positive selection, while size of style
branches was under negative direct selection. In contrast, the shape of the
flower organs differed depending on their color, indicating that the pollinator's
Iris pumila L.
preference for specific combinations of visual signals was an important
mechanism of morphological divergence of the reproductive organs of I. pumila