Vom Sag-, Sicht-und Spürbaren zum Machbaren? Die Politisierung von Emotionen und Erzählungen in den Corona-Protesten


Protests against the Corona policy have been widespread since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the causes and patterns as well as the structures and dynamics of this political protest remain unclear. From a political science perspective, this article focuses on the everyday narrative processes in protest and accentuates a specific field of intersection: the connection between narratives and ‘doing emotions’. With an interaction-oriented perspective on this ‘bottom-up’ protest politics, it reflects on the extent to which the protest community can be understood both as a narrative community and as an emotional regime. Emotional practices open up a new, productive perspective to look at the range of emotional facets from pride, courage, humour and pleasure to moralising indignation, disgust and hatred instead of merely individual strong basic emotions in their interaction. This is illustrated with a view to the narrative 1. (de)construction of the crisis, 2. legitimisation of the protest, and 3. patterns of protest participation

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