No. 11, November 2022: Insights from Co-Designed English Learner Improvement Networks


This research brief presents a case study of an English Learner Improvement Network (ELIN), a group of educators focused on a shared problem of practice in English Learner education and supported through extensive collaboration between researchers and practitioners in English Learner education and Improvement Science. The case study involves an urban school district and a charter organization each serving between 50-80% of students who have ever been English Learners. The research brief identifies five key themes that contribute to knowledge of the English Learner Improvement Networks’ ability to support English Learner improvement: (1) Expert Partnerships Support Improvement; (2) Context Impacts Improvement; (3) Smaller Steps Lead to Larger Changes; (4) Collaborative Coaching Counts; and (5) Teacher Leaders Support Implementation. This ELIN is highlighted as a model of a systemic and coherent approach to educational improvement for ELs through the extensive collaboration provided in English Learner content and Improvement Science process.

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