Talking with the Public: The Public, Communication and the Civil Justice System


The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice is a non-profit, independent organization dedicated to bringing together the public, the courts, the legal profession and government in order to promote a civil justice system that is accessible, effective, fair and efficient. One initiative of the Forum is the Civil Justice System and the Public, a multi-disciplinary, collaborative research program that begins with the widely accepted belief that there are significant barriers which prevent access to the justice system. One significant barrier is a lack of effective communication between the system and the public. While discussion has now started about how to improve the system, the public is generally unaware of the discussion, which means that they are not involved in the reform efforts and their needs and expectations are not being voiced. We have received significant funding from the Alberta Law Foundation for an Alberta pilot of this project (110,000),andfromtheSocialSciencesandHumanitiesResearchCouncilforthenationalstudywhichwillfollow(110,000), and from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for the national study which will follow (600,000)

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