
Wave reflection, assessed by use of the ARCSolver Algorithm for pulse wave separation, is reduced under acute µg conditions in parabolic flight


Weightlessness during long-term space flight over 6-12 months leads to complex individual cardiovascular adaptation. The initial central blood volume expansion followed by a loss of plasma volume is accompanied by changes in vascular mechanoreceptor loads and responsive-ness, altered autonomic reflex control of heart rate and blood pressure, and hormonal changes in the long run. Hence, function and structure of the heart and blood vessels may change. Hemodynamic data obtained during short- and long-term space flight may indicate that the adaptation process resembles ageing of the cardiovascular system characterized by decreased diastolic blood pressure, increased central sympathetic nerve traffic and increased arterial pulse wave velocity. Experiments during parabolic flights in supine position suggest, that stroke volume does not change during transitions between µ-g and 1-g. We tested a novel method of pulse wave separation based on simple oscillometric brachial cuff waveform reading to investigate pulse wave reflection during acute weightlessness in healthy subjects. We hypothesized that the wave reflection magnitude (RM) remains unaltered during parabolic flights in supine position

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