Entwicklung einer Low-Cost-PNT Unit für maritime Anwendungen, basierend auf MEMS-Inertialsensoren


Although the GPS/GNSS had become the primary source for Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) information in maritime applications, the ultimate performance of the system can strongly degrade due to space weather events, deliberate interference and overall system failures. Within the presented work the development of an affordable integrated PNT unit for future on-board integrated system is presented. The system serves the task to collect and integrate the data from individual sensors in order to deliver the PNT information with a specified performance according to the requirements of the e-Navigation initiative proposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The paper discusses an ongoing activity of replacing an expensive FOG inertial measurement unit with an affordable MEMS sensor system. Preliminary results of the system performance are presented for both static and dynamic scenarios using an Unscented Kalman filter with unit quaternions for the attitude parametrization

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