Hailing love back into view: Working towards a feminist materialist theory-practice of entangled aimance in pandemic times


This chapter attempts to hail love back into view in pandemic times. In searching for how love appears and what love can do, it asks how enactments of love in learning and teaching, in our work as journal editors, and in our writing collaborations, might work as a potentially hope-full feminist materialist response to the desperate and damaging times we currently find ourselves in. Grounded in an acknowledgement of interspecies relationality, in an affirmative ethical commitment to zoe (Braidotti, 2013), and in an attentiveness to the mundane matterings of everyday life (Stewart, 2007), this chapter proposes love as a form of entangled aimance. In this, it brings together work by Barad (2007) on entanglement, and Zembylas (2017) on aimance to advance a line of feminist materialist and posthumanist theory to think and do higher education differently (Gannon et al., 2019; Taylor and Gannon, 2018) and to speak into the separation, solitariness and seclusion that the ongoing time of pandemic has forced on us. We elaborate entangled aimance as a relational condition which offers some resources of hope in a time of destruction, despair, coping and survival, and ponder how entangled aimance may sustain us in our everyday work as academics. The chapter threads personal examples through its theoretical elaboration. In these examples we write from our two different locations – one of us in the UK and one in Australia – to consider how entangled aimance can work as a minor but significant feminist materialist ethico-political practice of hope in utterly changed higher education times

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