A High Gain Flexible Antenna for Biomedical Applications


In this paper, a miniaturized antenna is presented for biomedical applications due to its flexibility. The proposed antenna operates in the Industrial, Medical, and Scientific (ISM) 24.00 GHz to 24.25 GHz band. This antenna consists of a radiating element with circular and rectangular slots and the ground with cross plus four square slots. The dielectric material Rogers RO3003 with permittivity of 3, is used for substrate and superstrate. The miniaturization of the antenna is achieved by shorting pin and some other techniques. The total volume of the designed antenna is (6.8×6.8×0.26) mm 3 . The maximum gain achieved by the simulation of the proposed antenna is 5.44 dB at 24.25 GHz, and at the start of the band, the gain is 4.9 dB at 23.98 GHz, and at the end of the band, the gain is 5.1 dB at 24.47 GHz. The designed antenna has better results than the antennas discussed in the literature in terms of size, gain, and efficiency

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