Pengembangan Kampung Kenteng Sebagai Kampung Wisata Tenun Ikat Tradisional Dan Kesenian Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Neo Vernakular Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo


The development and design of Kenteng Village in Sukoharjo Regency as a tourist area that presents natural and environmental potential as well as community activities for traditional ikat weaving craftsmen, is an activity to organize the village with the aim of raising the level of community welfare and the existence of traditional ikat weaving as well as musical arts and wayang arts. skin in Kenteng Village. These activities are supported by the use of spaces that accommodate the community and tourists such as public, educational, economic, social, and local cultural facilities, so that in this way the community and tourists are able to establish positive interactions. the design of Kenteng Village as a tourist area that presents the potential of nature and the environment as well as community activities of ikat craftsmen and their traditional arts. The methods used for data processing that the authors do include field observations, interviews, comparative studies, and literature studies. The results of the study resulted in a concept of a tourist village with the theme of ikat weaving and traditional arts, with a traditional style Neo-Vernacular architectural design in the form of the building, which consists of the main Plaza, Restaurant, Homestay, Information Center 2, and Workshop House

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