Strain transfer and partitioning between the Panamint Valley, Searles Valley, and Ash Hill fault zones, California


We report new geologic and geomorphic observations that bear on the interpretation of connectivity and strain transfer among the Panamint Valley, Searles Valley, and Ash Hill fault zones, southern Walker Lane belt of California. Although these faults partition strain regionally onto dominantly normal and strike-slip structures, strain transfer occurs in a complex way not typical of linked strike-slip and extensional faults. The Searles Valley fault (W-directed normal fault) transfers slip onto the Panamint Valley zone, which changes from dominantly NNW-trending dextral strike-slip to more normal motion where they join. The Ash Hill fault (mostly right-lateral strike slip) transfers strain into the northern continuation of the Searles Valley zone, via a complex array of hanging-wall normal and strike-slip faults. These complex interactions, based on the age of structurally offset markers, appear to be stable over~105 years

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