Grape marc spirit production and analysis : master thesis


Proizvodnja komovice zauzima važno mjesto u proizvodnji jakih alkoholnih i alkoholnih pića. Komovica je jedna od najzastupljenijih vrsta rakija koje se proizvode u Hrvatskoj, a posebice u Dalmatinskoj zagori. Također, ona se koristi kao najčešća osnova za proizvodnju ostalih vrsta rakija i likera. Vrlo je važno da cijeli tehnološki proces proizvodnje komovice bude ispravno proveden, počevši od odabira grožđa, provođenja fermentacije i naposljetku same destilacije prefermentirane komine grožđa iz koje se dobiva komovica. Kako bi se komovica mogla plasirati na tržište trebaju biti zadovoljeni određeni fizikalno- kemijski parametri kvalitete propisani Pravilnikom o jakim alkoholnim i alkoholnim pićima. U ovom diplomskom radu opisan je tradicionalni tehnološki proces proizvodnje komovice te su urađene osnovne analize (pH, ukupna kiselost, alkoholna jakost i hlapljive komponente) pet uzoraka komovice koje su proizvedene prema opisanom postupku.The production of grape marc spirit occupies an important place in the production of spirits and alcoholic beverages. Grape marc spirit is the most common type of brandy produced in Croatia, especially in the Dalmatian hinterland. Also, it is mainly used as the basis for the production of other brandies and liqueurs. Therefore, it is very important that the entire technological process of grape marc spirit production is carried out correctly, starting with the selection of grapes, fermentation and finally the distillation of the grape pomace from which the grape marc spirit is obtained. In order to place grape marc spirit on the market, certain physico-chemical quality parameters prescribed by the Ordinance on strong alcoholic and alcoholic beverages must be met. This diploma thesis describes the traditional technological process of grape marc spirit production and performed basic analyses (pH, total acidity, alcohol strength and volatile components) of five samples produced according to the described procedure

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