Temperature-Dependent Open-Circuit Voltage Measurements and Light-Soaking in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silcon Solar Cells


We present temperature-dependent measurements of the open-circuit voltage VOC(T) in hydrogenated amorphous silicon nip solar cells prepared at United Solar. At room-temperature and above, VOC measured using near-solar illumination intensity differs by as much as 0.04 V for the as-deposited and light-soaked states; the values of VOC for the two states converge below 250 K. Models for VOC based entirely on recombination through deep levels (dangling bonds) do not account for the convergence effect. The convergence is present in a model that assumes the recombination traffic in the as-deposited state involves only bandtails, but which splits the recombination traffic fairly evenly between bandtails and defects for the light-soaked state at room-temperature. Recombination mechanisms are important in understanding light-soaking, and the present results are inconsistent with at least one well-known model for defect generation

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