Vaping: Exploring perceptions and behaviors of students and ENDS products


Background: Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) have increased in use and media exposure with a 78% rise in usage between 2017 to 2018. While a gateway to addictive products, users are also unaware of the ingredients and their effects on the body. Interventions are limited. Further research is needed to investigate perceptions of ENDS and identify effective cessation strategies for young adults. Purpose: To explore the knowledge and attitudes of HS students regarding ENDS products and compare data collected over the year to determine effects of recent media exposure. Methods: Six focus groups (n = 45) were held in a rural high school. Students were asked four open ended questions which elicited dialogue regarding attitudes and behaviors about ENDS and suggestions for educational interventions. Results: Emerging themes were social and behavioral influences (peer pressure; nicotine addiction) ; knowledge deficit; media promotion or prevention. Suggested educational methods were explanation of the ingredients in ENDS, dramatic relief and visual depiction of the consequences. There was more focus in the media on prevention than last year. Conclusion/Implications: A knowledge deficit regarding the dangers of ENDS, including the damaging effects of nicotine, still exists. Data will lead to development of innovative interventions to decrease ENDS use in high schoolers.

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