Archeological Survey Of The Proposed Sanger Outfall Pipeline Denton County, Texas


The City of Sanger is proposing to construct the 3.06-kilometer-long Sanger Outfall Pipeline in Denton County, Texas. Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. contracted with AR Consultants, Inc. to survey a 100-foot-wide corridor along the proposed route. AR Consultants, Inc. hypothesized that there would be low potential for both prehistoric and historic cultural resources. These hypotheses were based on the location of the pipeline route in the narrow Ranger Branch floodplain and lack of mapped historic structures remaining in the project area. Fieldwork was conducted on May 31, 2018 under Texas Antiquities permit 8338, during which 19 shovel tests were excavated and a total of 11 acres were surveyed. No historic or prehistoric cultural resources were noted within the survey corridor. As such, AR Consultants, Inc. recommends that no further cultural resource investigations are necessary for this project, and requests that the Texas Historical Commission concur with this recommendation. Project documents will be curated at the Center for Archaeological Studies, Texas State University, San Marcos

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