Does tillage influence physical- and chemical- related soil quality indicators equally?


Trabajo presentado en la EGU General Assembly 2019, celebrada en Viena del 3 al 8 de mayo de 2019.Soil degradation is linked with a loss of land′s actual or potential productivity. This process is a result of naturaland anthropogenic action being soil tillage one of the main drivers of the last. As a result, soil quality, whichmanifests soil′s capacity to produce ecosystem services and goods, can be compromised. There are severalindicators traditionally measured to characterize soil quality, either based on soil physical or chemical properties.Among soil physical properties, water flow features, as expressed through the soil water retention curve, aredirectly linked to the distribution of soil pores and can be useful to derive different indices (such as the S index)to evaluate soil′s quality. Organic matter, nutrients, and cation exchange capacity are also soil chemical propertiesaffecting soil quality.The main aim of this study was to evaluate the methodology based on the S index (Dexter, 2004) andselected soil (chemical and physical) properties at the short term under typical Mediterranean agriculturalconditions. For this reason, physical and chemical soil properties were measured in a short-term trial settle in twoolive orchards under different soil managements: tillage and cover crop and at two depths: surface (0-10 cm) anddepth (10-20 cm). In addition, water retention curves; water storage capacity; and soil porosity were characterized.At the two studied sites, changes in soil management, even after a short period of time, had a quick effectin chemical properties. However, soil′s pore size distribution, as quantified with the S index, did not showremarkable differences after changing soil management. This may be a consequence of the longer-term effectof changing soil management on water retention and transmission. Future research including more soil typesand assessing water-flow-related properties over a longer time interval, may well provide clearer results in theassessment of soil quality.Peer reviewe

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