Factores clave en la implementación de acuerdos de riesgo compartido en el sector farmacéutico colombiano


34 páginasLa cobertura universal de salud, el acceso temprano a productos innovadores y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las personas son uno de los objetivos que persiguen los sistemas de salud en el mundo, lo cual implica la necesidad de innovación en todos los sectores que interactúan y conforman los sistemas de salud. Pero la innovación implica altos riesgos y costos asociados con la investigación, que crecen en muchos casos a mayor velocidad que el producto interno bruto de las naciones, poniendo en riesgo la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de salud. En este escenario el sector farmacéutico, es al mismo tiempo el motor de la investigación científica en el mundo y un factor fundamental del crecimiento de las economías, tanto como un factor de riesgo para el aumento del costo de los servicios de salud.The universal health coverage, the early access to innovative products, and the people's quality of life improvements are the objectives of the health system in the world, therefore innovation is necessary for all sectors that interact and are part of the health systems. However, the innovation involves high risks and associated costs with the investigation that in some cases grow faster than the nation's gross domestic product, putting the sustainability of the health systems at risk. The pharmaceutical industry at the same time is the scientific investigation motor and an important factor in the growth of the economy in the world in this scenario, consequently, also it's a risk factor in the increase in the health systems services cost. Hence, the relationship between the industry and the nations has been characterized by several attempts to control the costs, which could do undesired effects that threaten to paralyze an important sector of the economy and slow down the research in the world. During the last years, in countries such as the United States, Spain, England, Sweden, and others, innovative hiring schemes have been emerging which seek to share the risk in the investments, controlled the expenses growth in the system, and allow to introduce to the pharmaceutical industry innovative and efficient products in the markets with cost-benefit and with this encouraging the products research and development. Colombia isn´t the exception to this problem of sustainability, thus the option to make risk-sharing agreements is becoming more present in the country, doing necessary to contrast the international experience with the health system particularities of the country, to identify elements that can affect the results of this kind of agreements. In this document has done a literature review that allowed to establish six key points detected for the implementation of these models of successful risk-sharing agreements, based on international experience and applicable to the Colombian system.Maestría en Gerencia InternacionalMagíster en Gerencia Internaciona

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