
O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar a efici\ueancia do preservativo CCB na melhoria da resist\ueancia de duas esp\ue9cies de bambu ( Bambusa vulgaris e Dendrocalamus giganteus ) \ue0 a\ue7\ue3o de cupins e cole\uf3pteros xil\uf3fagos. As hastes de bambu coletadas nas proximidades dos munic\uedpios de Alegre e Jer\uf4nimo Monteiro, sul do Esp\uedrito Santo, foram transformadas em colmos de 2,0 m de comprimento e tratadas em solu\ue7\ue3o de 1 ou 3% de ingredientes ativos (i.a.) do produto comercial \u201cMOQ OX 50\u201d, \ue0 base de cobre, cromo e boro (CCB). Os m\ue9todos de tratamento empregados foram os de transpira\ue7\ue3o radial (diafragma integro e rompido), imers\ue3o prolongada e Boucherie modificado. Nos m\ue9todos por transpira\ue7\ue3o radial e imers\ue3o prolongada, os colmos foram expostos nas solu\ue7\uf5es por per\uedodos de 5, 10 ou 15 dias, j\ue1 no m\ue9todo de Boucherie modificado n\ue3o houve segrega\ue7\ue3o entre os tempos de tratamento. Para avaliar a efici\ueancia dos m\ue9todos, foram retiradas amostras na posi\ue7\ue3o a 50 cm da base dos colmos. Nos ensaios foram utilizados t\ue9rmitas da esp\ue9cie Nasutitermes corniger e o cole\uf3ptero Dinoderus minutus . A partir das an\ue1lises dos resultados obtidos, foi verificado que, as duas esp\ue9cies de bambu tratadas apresentaram alta resist\ueancia ao ataque dos cupins e cole\uf3pteros, e inclusive as amostras n\ue3o tratadas apresentaram baixa perda de massa quando submetidas aos ensaios.The research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of CCB preservative in improving the resistance of two bamboo species ( Bambusa vulgaris and Dendrocalamus giganteus ) the action of termites and xylophagous beetles. The bamboo stems collected in the vicinity of Alegre and Jer\uf4nimo Monteiro, towns of southern Esp\uedrito Santo state, Brazil, were transformed into culms of 2.0 m long and treated in a solution of 1 or 3% active ingredient (a.i.) of the commercial product \u201cMOQ OX 50\u201d, based on copper, chromium and boron (CCB).The treatment methods used were the sap displacement (intact and ruptured diaphragm), long-term immersion and Boucherie modified. In the methods by sap displacement and the long-term immersion the stems were exposed in solutions for periods of 5, 10 or 15 days, and in Boucherie\u2019s modified method of treatment there was no segregation between treatment times. To assess the efficiency of the methods, test samples were taken at the position of 50 cm from the base of the stems. In the tests, the termite species Nasutitermes corniger and the beetle Dinoderus minutus were used. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, it was found that the two species of bamboo treated showed high resistance to attack by termites and beetles, and including untreated samples showed low mass loss when subjected to the tests

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